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Are you in need of help?

Struggling with your mental health? Find someone close to your location using the map so you can contact someone and use for advice services.

If you are suicidal, Please read the crisis link first.



You know you can self-referral to Steps to Well Being?! (IAPT - Individual Access to Psychological Therapies)

Remember, someone will help you through your crisis.


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This is your first stop to avert a crisis. Please follow these guidelines and act without delay.


Need help now?


If you need to speak to someone urgently call your GP or family doctor!


If its urgent but not life threatening call, if you are in a mental health crisis call: 111 

One of the options will link you directly to a 24/7 helpline.



Childline up to 19yrs : 0800 1111
The Samaritans: 116 123
In an emergency go to A&E or call 999


Average rating for Your Mental Health Crisis - Access help to avert your mental health crisis is 5 Star of 5 stars - based on 2 Review
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